Winter Ice Control

MAG Flake
MAG (Magnesium Chloride) is an economical, safe environmentally friendly way to control ice and dust. MAG is extracted from the Dead Sea by natural evaporation of sea water and refinement process. MAG is the total ice melter that corrodes metal surfaces less, protects concrete from spalling more, is less toxic and environmentally safer than calcium and sodium chloride (Rock Salt).

MeltDown is specifically designed for anti-icing, direct application de-icing, frost prevention, and pre-wetting of solids (salt and sand).

Promelt Slicer
Promelt Slicer is your economical solution for effective ice control in larger areas such as roadways, walkways, driveways and parking lots.

Promelt Slicer Enhanced
Promelt Slicer Enhanced is a natural complex chloride blend that is treated with an organically based performance enhancer designed specifically to reduce bounce and scatter, increase the speed at which the salt begins to work and enable the salt to continue working at lower temperatures.

Promelt Slicer Extreme
Promelt Slicer Extreme is the ideal blend of complex chlorides with magnesium chloride pellets

Protek WTS™ 
Protek WTS liquid is specially formulated to freeze-proof and enhance winter sand & salt mixes… all the way down to -45C! The high performance liquid de-icer contains natural corrosion inhibitors that meet strict PNS standards. Developed and tested over a 2 year period, its high viscosity properties keep it in the stockpile… Coating and activating each sand & salt particle.

Thawrox is the industry’s premier de-icing product, combining the performance of liquid de-icing technology with proven melting effects of rock salt. Using Thawrox instead of untreated salt reduces applications by 20-30% per storm. That equals lower labour and equipment maintenance costs – so your de-icing dollars go further than ever before.

Protek WTS™ Winter Treated Sand & Salt

Stretch your winter maintenance budget by treating winter abrasives with PROTEK WTS®-100 … a naturally better SOLUTION.

Protek WTS liquid is specially formulated to freeze-proof and enhance winter sand & salt mixes… all the way down to -45C! The high performance liquid de-icer contains natural corrosion inhibitors that meet strict PNS standards. Developed and tested over a 2 year period, its high viscosity properties keep it in the stockpile… Coating and activating each sand & salt particle.


  • PROTEK WTS®-100 liquid is engineered to freeze-proof and enhance winter sand & salt mixes… all the way down to -45o C!
  • Exclusively supplied by Denchem, the high performance liquid de-icer contains agricultural based additives and meets strict PNS standards.
  • Developed and extensively tested, its high viscosity properties keep PROTEK WTS®-100 in the stockpile… coating and activating each salt & sand particle.


Depending on your sand/salt mix and the stockpiling method traditionally used, we determine the right application rate of PROTEK WTS®-100 (20-30L/MT). PROTEK WTS®-100 is accurately blended into the mix with electronically calibrated pumps and metering systems. It can be applied into our pug mill or directly onto our conveyor belt. Since PROTEK WTS®-100 is freeze resistant, it’s also possible to get these jobs done during mid-winter re-stocking operations.

PROTEK WTS®-100 reduces corrosion by over 75%!

Tests conducted by the Canadian Center for Industrial Research (CRIQ) show that PROTEK WTS®-100 meets and exceeds Pacific Northwest Snowfighter (PNS) standards for corrosion reduction. These same tests demonstrate that PROTEK WTS®-100 will resist freezing down to -45C! These features add the high performance values needed for your winter roads maintenance programs.

PROTEK WTS®-100 benefits include…

  • Reduce the use of salt in your sand/grit mix.
  • Keep Stockpiles manageable and activated down to -45C.
  • Environmentally safe.
  • 75% less corrosive than road salt.
  • Improve adherence of your mix, reducing application rates… and re-applications on your beats.
  • Proven performance by road maintenance professionals in Ontario and Québec, since 2002

“We reduced our salt usage by 30% while improving our levels of service… particularly at lower temperatures. Our winter mix stockpile remained workable all winter… making spreading efforts more effective and efficient”. 
Marc Legault, The Nation Municipality in Casselman, ON.

For more information on PROTEK WTS®-100, please contact us or view this PDF.

Protek WTS™-200 Ice Melting

PROTEK WTS®-200 liquid provides fast and effective snow and ice control that iseasy to apply, spreads evenly, eliminates bounce and scatter of treated salts and works at a wider range of temperatures with a eutectic point of -85°F (-65°C)


  • Versatile anti-icing, de-icing and pre-wetting agent
  • Scientifically engineered for high performance
  • Superior anti-bonding properties
  • Quickly penetrates snow-pack
  • Reduces bounce & scatter in pre-wet applications
  • Ideal for all weather conditions
  • Less corrosive than salt brine
  • Less toxic
  • Cost effective

For more information on PROTEK WTS®-200, please contact us or view this PDF.

ProMelt™MAG High Performance De-Icing and Anti-Icing Solution

ProMelt™MAG is a high performance magnesium chloride liquid that delivers a strong residual effect on road surfaces, improving melting on road surfaces and results in long lasting performance. This three-in-one liquid de-icing product will save you time, money and most importantly deliver proven results and safer roads.

Features and Benefits

ProMelt™MAG is a premium liquid de-icer that is economical and an environmentally effective way to keep your roads safer.

  • Versatile liquid that can be used to anti-ice, de-ice and pre-wet.
  • Salt pre-wetted with ProMelt Mag works at lower temperatures than traditional dry salt.
  • Reduces bounce and scatter and salt application rates, which saves time, labour, fuel and materials.
  • Meets the stringent requirements of the PNS (Pacific Northwest Snowfighters) for corrosion, toxicity and performance.
  • Better for the environment – our magnesium chloride is approved for organic production as a crop fertilizer and soil amendment by OMRI in the US and Canada.

Product Application

ProMelt™MAG is specifically designed for anti-icing, direct application de-icing, frost prevention, and pre-wetting of solids.
Specific application guidelines are:
  • Anti-Icing Application rates of 40 – 70 litres per lane kilometre are typical. Up to 90 litres per lane kilometre should be considered the maximum in any anti-icing situation.
  • Direct Liquid Application De-Icing
    Application rates of 90 – 100 litres per lane kilometre.
  • Frost Prevention
    Application rates of 20 – 40 litres per lane kilometre are standard. These rates can vary depending on storm conditions and service level goals.
  • Pre-wetting
    Application rates from 20 – 60 litres per tonne of substrate, depending upon the solid used and the performance objective.
ProMelt™MAG is available in 22%, 26% and 30% concentrations.

For more information on ProMelt™MAG, please contact us or view this PDF.

ProMelt™ ULTRAHigh Performance De-Icing and Anti-Icing Solution

ProMelt Ultra™ is a high performance de-icing liquid made from a refined corn carbohydrate derivative blended with magnesium chloride. It is a versatile anti-icing, de-icing and pre-wetting agent that delivers unparalleled performance in colder environments.

Features and Benefits

ProMelt Ultra™ de-icer significantly improves the eutectic point and phase change properties of MgCl2. Promelt Ultra inhibited has the extremely low eutectic point of approximately -65o C.

  • Versatile liquid that can be used to anti-ice, de-ice and pre-wet.
  • Superior anti-bonding properties.
  • Reduces bounce and scatter and salt application rates which saves time, labour, fuel and materials.
  • Less corrosive than salt brine.
  • Better for the environment – our magnesium chloride is approved for organic production as a crop fertilizer and soil amendment by OMRI in the US and Canada.

Product Application

ProMelt Ultra™ is specifically designed for anti-icing, direct application de-icing, frost prevention and prewetting of solids. Specific application guidelines are:

  • Anti-Icing
    Application rates of 40 – 70 litres per lane kilometre are typical. Up to 90 litres per lane kilometre should be considered the maximum in any anti-icing situation.
  • Direct Liquid Application De-Icing
    Application rates of 90 – 100 litres per lane kilometre.
  • Frost Prevention
    Application rates of 20 – 40 litres per lane kilometre are standard. These rates can vary depending on storm conditions and service level goals.
  • Pre-wetting
    Application rates from 20-60 litres per tonne of substrate, depending upon the solid used and the performance objective.

For more information on ProMelt Ultra™, please contact us or view this PDF.

ProMelt™ Slicer: Economical. Effective. Easy to Use. Ideal for Larger Areas.

Promelt Slicer is your economical solution for effective ice control in larger areas such as roadways, walkways, driveways and parking lots. PROMELT SLICER is a complex chloride crystal containing a homogeneous blend of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, plus more than 15 trace minerals in each granule. This naturally occurring blend of minerals and chlorides begins to dissolve and penetrate snow and ice immediately after application. The unique crystalline structure of PROMELT SLICER provides traction (the benefits of sand without the mess) with additional melting power.

Product Features

  • Natural pink color prevents over application
  • Easy application – Convenient 44lb (20kg) packaging for easy handling
  • Provides better traction (the benefits of sand without the mess)
  • Helps to reduce slip and fall claims
  • Performs to 0°F (-18°C)
  • Less harmful to concrete and the environment due to its low alkalinity
  • 100% natural
  • Low toxicity (LD50)


When applied to snow-covered roadways or walkways, PROMELT SLICER quickly begins to dissolve and penetrate, breaking the bond between the ice and the surface. The loosened ice and snow can easily be removed following application.

Product Application

Evenly sprinkle ¼ to ½ cup (57 to 114 grams) of PROMELT SLICER per square yard (metre) for driveways and walkways. Melting will begin immediately and melting action will continue longer than other rock salt products to help prevent freezing of new snow or ice. Shovel off slush. PROMELT SLICER’s uniform granule allows it to be applied with any type of spreader or by hand. For best results, remove all loose snow and slush from driveways, steps and walkways before applying. PROMELT SLICER is extremely effective if applied at the start of a snowfall. PROMELT SLICER may also be kept in cars and trucks for use in any situation where traction is needed. Spread a generous amount in the path of traction wheels to get out of slick parking areas or other places where additional help is required to get moving.

For more information on ProMelt Slicer, please contact us or view this PDF.

ProMelt™ Slicer Enhanced: Green. Enhanced. Easy to Use. Combines green benefits with enhanced performance.

ProMelt™ Slicer Enhanced is a natural complex chloride blend that is treated with an organically based performance enhancer designed specifically to reduce bounce and scatter, increase the speed at which the salt begins to work and enable the salt to continue working at lower temperatures. Each granule is completely encapsulated with a blend of magnesium chloride and a viscosity modifier producing effective, longer-lasting melting performance that will reduce overall usage by as much as 25%. Municipalities are realizing the added benefits of applying treated salt on their roadways and now this environmentally friendlier product is made available in convenient, easy to handle 44lb (20kg) bags. The smaller sized granule is ideal for spreader usage, easy to handle and will actually reduce your application rates which will lead to less total de-icers needed to keep all surfaces clean. Not only will it work to lower temperatures, but you will further achieve reduction in costs as less product will go further.

Product Features

  • Emits less chlorides into the environment
  • Helps to protect your equipment from corrosion caused by salt
  • Less harmful to concrete and the environment due to its low alkalinity
  • 100% natural
  • Low toxicity (LD50)
  • Increased speed & effectiveness of melting agents
  • Longer lasting residual effect, reducing re-application frequency
  • Performs to -6°F (-21°C )
  • Appealing color prevents over application
  • Easy application – convenient 44lb (20kg) packaging for easy handling


Product Application

For application in general conditions, evenly sprinkle ¼ to 1/3 cup (57 to 76 grams) of ProMelt™ Slicer Enhanced per square yard (metre) for driveways and walkways. Melting begins immediately and melting action will continue longer than many other commonly used de-icers. Shovel off slush. Thick accumulations of ice may require additional applications. For optimum results, remove all loose snow and slush from driveways, steps and walkways before applying.

ProMelt™ Slicer Enhanced is extremely effective if applied at the start of a snowfall or freezing of surface dampness. ProMelt™ Slicer Enhanced may also be kept in cars and trucks for use in any situation where traction is required. Spread a generous amount in the path of traction wheels to get out of slick parking areas or other places where additional traction may be necessary.

For more information on ProMelt™ Slicer Enhanced, please contact us or view this PDF.

ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme: Fast. Safe. Easy to Use. Total Ice Control with the Power of Pellets.

ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme is the ideal blend of complex chlorides with magnesium chloride pellets. ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme was created to offer the ultimate in fast melting action even during extreme weather conditions, while limiting the chloride impact on the environment.

Magnesium chloride is well known for its hygroscopic nature, lower working temperature, low toxicity levels, and less chloride content. When combined with our complex chloride blend, this environmentally friendlier ice melter will reduce the amount of harmful chlorides that go into the environment and increase melting performance. An essential tool in any snow professional’s arsenal of snow fighting products.

Product Features

  • Superior ice melting performance
  • Hygroscopic nature speeds up the brining process
  • Bores down into the snow & ice pack upon impact
  • Performs to -13°F (-25°C )
  • Longer lasting residual effect, reducing re-application frequency
  • Emits less chlorides into the environment
  • Less harmful to concrete and the environment due to its low alkalinity
  • Safer for people, plants and pets
  • 100% natural
  • Low toxicity (LD50)
  • Appealing color prevents over application
  • Easy application – convenient 44lb (20kg) packaging for easy handling


Blended products have become a staple in the market as a cost effective alternative to the higher priced low chloride products. We have created the ideal blend in ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme as it contains a high percentage of magnesium chloride pellet which will provide you with the added value benefits of an environmentally friendlier ice melter without the added costs. One such benefit would be a significant increase in melting performance versus straight salt. As you can see from the chart on the left, magnesium & calcium chlorides have a far larger melting capability than sodium chloride.

Atmospheric relative humidity dictates any given chlorides performance capabilities in extreme weather conditions. By adding magnesium chloride pellet to our complex chloride crystals, we ensure that ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme performs at a relative humidity level where straight salt alone is no longer effective.

The percentage of chloride content in magnesium chloride is significantly lower than all other chlorides on the market. ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme helps to reduce the chlorides emitted into the environment not only by the percentage reduction, but by reducing the application rate as well.

Product Application

For application in general conditions, evenly sprinkle ¼ to 1/3 cup (57 to 76 grams) of ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme per square yard (metre) for driveways and walkways. Melting begins immediately and melting action will continue longer than many other commonly used de-icers. Shovel off slush. Thick accumulations of ice may require additional applications. For optimum results, remove all loose snow and slush from driveways, steps and walkways before applying.

For more information on ProMelt™ Slicer Extreme, please contact us or view this PDF.

Magnesium Chloride Flake

Mag Flake is a high performance ice melter that is safer for people, pets, concrete and the environment. It begins melting snow and ice on roads and driveways immediately upon application! Mag Flake keeps melting down to -25°C! It combines Performance and Safety better than all other deicers.

Features and Benefits

  • Safer around vegetation. When used as directed, MgCl is safer to use around plants and bushes. In fact, MgCl is used as an ingredient in crop fertilizers and soil amendments.
  • Safer for use around animals and humans. MgCl is much less toxic than calcium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium chloride based on data provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Less Chlorides Discharge. Pound for Pound, MgCl contains less chlorides than other commonly used deicers while remaining a powerful ice melter! The use of MgCl results in less chloride run-off and eliminates the unsightly white residue build-up on surfaces… inside and out!
  • Safer on concrete. Tests by SHRP, Washington D.C., using 3% solutions (representative dilution of ice melting brines) show that calcium chloride and salt increase concrete spalling by 26X and 63X respectively.
  • Less corrosion to metal surfaces. Tests show MgCl is less corrosive than calcium chloride and sodium chloride on steel, tin and aluminum.
  • Less irritating to the skin. MgCl, unlike calcium chloride, is not noticeably exothermic (generates heat) when it first comes in contact with moisture… reducing skin irritation.

Mag Flake is less corrosive than calcium chloride and sodium chloride on steel and aluminum. It melts quickly and without heavy and harsh residue from over-applied salt!

Mag Flake is a high performance ice melter that is safer for people, pets, concrete and the environment. It begins melting snow and ice on roads and driveways immediately upon application! Mag Flake keeps melting down to -25°C! It combines Performance and Safety better than all other deicers.
Mag Flake is very SAFE to work with. It’s 3X less toxic than road salt and 8X less than calcium chloride. It’s a safe yet high performance ice melter that’s trusted by roads and property maintenance professionals throughout Canada. Mag Flake is available in a variety of packages including: 4.5 kg shaker jugs, handy 25 kg bags and 1000 kg super sacs.

For more information on Mag Flake, please contact us or view this PDF.

Do You Have A Dust or Surface Issue We Can Help With?